The Office of Gift Planning, here to serve the institution’s constituents, works to find a solution that is most beneficial to you while advancing the mission of the College.

We will work closely with you to design a plan to meet your family’s current and future needs while also meeting your philanthropic goals.

Since 1826, Lafayette College has been a leader in higher education with a strong record of graduating students who have gone on to successful careers and have made significant contributions to all areas of society.  Through the Office of Gift Planning, you can partner with the College in building a stronger Lafayette while taking advantage of attractive gift vehicles that will not only provide support for the College but may enhance your current financial situation as well as your estate plans.

James Madison Porter Society

Since 1997, Lafayette has recognized the commitment and generosity of alumni and friends whose bequests or life income gifts ensure the future success of the College and advance the quality of a Lafayette education. In celebration of their philanthropy, those individuals are recognized as members of the James Madison Porter Society. With more than 500 members, the Porter Society includes individuals with various and diverse situations who have achieved financial and philanthropic goals with the support of the Office of Gift Planning.

Joseph Samaritano ’91

Director of Gift Planning

307 Markle Hall
Easton, PA 18042

This information is not intended as tax, legal, or financial advice. Gift results may vary. Consult your personal adviser for information specific to your situation.