The James Madison Porter Society was created to recognize the commitment and generosity of alumni and friends whose deferred gifts ensure the future of the College and advance the quality of a Lafayette education.

Thank you for your consideration of Lafayette as a beneficiary of your estate plans.  The College is in a great position of strength as a result of the tremendous involvement of the entire community during the recently completed Live Connected, Lead Change campaign. Realized and expected planned gifts accounted for 36% of all giving to the campaign and have impacted the College with newly established scholarship funds, endowed professorships, and other forms of support that impact our students every day.

To ensure Lafayette remains competitive in attracting the nation’s top students well into the future, a strong Gift Planning program is a necessity.  Your role as a member of the Porter Society would be greatly appreciated.

By completing a Statement of Deferred Gift Provision you will allow us to:

  • Plan for the College’s future
  • Put documentation in place to ensure your planned gift will be used according to your wishes
  • Recognize you for your extraordinary support of Lafayette.

Submitting your non-binding Statement of Deferred Gift Provision will be a big help to the College’s administration as it prepares for the bright future of Lafayette.

Thank you for all you do for Lafayette College.

Joe Samaritano ’91

Director of Gift Planning

307 Markle Hall
Easton, PA 18042

This information is not intended as tax, legal, or financial advice. Gift results may vary. Consult your personal adviser for information specific to your situation.