Goal: To support the College but retain your assets while you are alive with the ability to alter plans should circumstances change.

Minimum Gift: Any amount

If it is your desire to create a lasting Lafayette legacy, but you are concerned about having enough assets to last for your lifetime, including Lafayette in your estate plans may be the gift vehicle that best suits you.

While the benefits of outright gifts (e.g. witnessing the impact of your giving while you are alive) and some irrevocable gift planning agreements (e.g. steady fixed income for the rest of your life) may be desirable, a bequest:

  • Costs you nothing today
  • Is free of federal estate tax
  • May produce estate tax savings
  • Can be changed at any time
  • Can allow you to establish a named endowment fund or some other lasting legacy on campus

Including Lafayette College in their estate plans and notifying the College of their intentions is something that many alumni have done.

Should you wish to revise your will or trust to include Lafayette, click here for sample language and work with us on possible programmatic uses on campus for your bequest.

If Lafayette is already named as a beneficiary in your will or trust, please let us know by filling out and returning a Statement of Deferred Gift Provision.  We would enjoy recognizing you for your commitment while understanding that unforeseen circumstances may alter your plans sometime in the future.

Ken Tator ’63 named Lafayette as a beneficiary of his will.

Ed Barrese ’69 names Lafayette in his estate plan.

Charlie ’80 and Melissa Daniel creates scholarship and will add to it through a bequest. 

Joe Samaritano ’91

Director of Gift Planning

307 Markle Hall
Easton, PA 18042

This information is not intended as tax, legal, or financial advice. Gift results may vary. Consult your personal adviser for information specific to your situation.